“There is no incurable disease, only incurable people.” ~Macrobiotic Guru George Ohsawa

No more shakes — eat real food!

No more shakes — eat real food!

Do you see those shakes in that picture? They look pretty yummy! I drank them for over a decade every morning, adding all kinds of things I thought made them even healthier. I swore by them. I loved them!

Unfortunately, I found they were not as good for my body as I thought, especially all the fresh greens I added, along with all those “supposed” super foods. You know us Americans, if something is good for us, then tons more must be better.

Before going any further, if you have found shakes, meal replacements, that you love, then this page will probably not be for you, unless you want to peruse through it to maybe educate yourself, and tuck those things in the back of your mind for later down the road, when you might need them. I can’t tell you all the times I learned something to use it later on in life.

So, why weren’t those shakes benefiting me anymore? Why was I feeling great when I woke up in the morning, but then felt bloated after I drank my delicious blender shake? And, why, all of a sudden could I only drink half my shake, because I felt sooo stuffed?!? Weird!

I found out years ago that dairy was not my friend, so my shakes contained no whey protein — and they surely didn’t contain soy. I had used a dairy-free shake for at least six years — a mixture of pea/hemp proteins, then found one that was pea/quinoa/pumpkin proteins. Maybe I was finally slowing down? After all, I had just turned 65? Why was I noticing inflammation in my body? I had been gluten-free for almost a couple decades. Rarely even ate gluten-free grains. My 65th year was both a frustrating year and eye-opening year. We are never too old to learn!

What did I replace those shakes with? I did a complete 180 and went to a Carnivore way of eating. Yes, I said I started eating an “all animal protein” diet. My family was Paleo for many years, after we found my middle son was Celiac. I’m sure you are thinking, what about veggies? What about fiber? How about pooping? What about colon cancer? I’m sure all these questions, and more, are flooding your mind.

This way of eating may not be for everyone, but I have always tried anything if it made sense. I use myself, constantly, as an experiment. Sort of like “on the job training” using myself as a test subject. It was no different than what I did with my children. When doctors told me nothing could be done, in my mind I was saying “watch me.”

In July 2019, I had joined a group of women, from all over the world, from all walks of life, about 70 of us, who were taking a course ran by a neurofeedback doctor, a brilliant, think-outside-the-box kinda doctor. I have learned more from her than my certification from Integrative Nutrition, hands down. This launched me into a whole world of people eating a Carnivore diet, which is gaining momentum more and more every year, every month, every day. Thousands of people. It has become a runaway train. In 2017, Dr. Shawn Baker claimed January as Carnivore Month.

What happened to me? As I tell ALL new clients, if you can’t give something four months to see how it works for your body, don’t waste your money. It takes a red blood cell 120 days to use a red blood cell, then create another one to replace it. Your body is always using and replacing red blood cells. You have to give it time to fill your body up with enough healthier blood cells to feel the results. And, just like clockwork, around 4 months, my inflammation dissipated, I lost a few pounds, my memory improved, my brain felt clearer, I had more energy, my complexion looked younger, my nails were growing like crazy, I was sleeping better — I just felt younger.

My body started craving beef, although I do eat other types of animal/seafood proteins. Beef, actually all ruminant animals, like bison, elk, deer, lamb, goat, antelope….are the most healing meats to eat. I only have chicken occasionally….usually wings. If I could find an organic farmer to buy just chicken skins, I’d be making crispy chicken skins! I have shrimp occasionally, as well as sardines in water, which I enjoy with a little mustard.

I am lucky enough to have a local butcher who raises his own cattle. No, it’s not grass-finished, but the cattle are in pasture 24/7….then the cattle are supplemented with grain the last 3-4 months. That creates the fat marbling, which makes the beef so tasty. This is exactly how my grandfather raised his cattle many, many years ago. I am not a “grass-finished” snob. ANY beef is better than the “Standard American Diet” way of eating. If you are out and about, you can very much stop in any fast food…ask for a plain burger (or 2 or 3), no bun, and it is way healthier than what most people eat.

By the way, my colon has never been happier! No more gas — NONE. Fiber is a lie! Fiber is not your friend, and it’s the reason you have to drink SO much water. You have to flush out all that fiber somehow. Eating Carnivore has allowed me to not have to drink copious amounts of water, unless it’s summertime and I’m outside working or enjoy the sun. And, I cannot forget to mention, around my 3-year Carniversary, my allergies of 48 years disappeared. Yes, they are GONE. I continue to be amazed how my body is changing.

What do I eat? I eat mostly ground beef. I will occasionally have a steak, but love my ground beef! I eat one pound of ground beef per day, divided up into 2-3 servings. And, I love eggs…having 4-8 per day, prepared in various ways. I always keep hardboiled eggs in my frig….if I need something quick. I usually keep turkey bacon in the frig that I cut in half before frying, since pork doesn’t agree with me. More on that below. I may have a few chicken wings, or steamed shrimp, or a piece of fatty fish, like salmon, or bison (if I find it on sale). If it comes from an animal, it could be on my menu!

Let’s talk about how you find your local farmers/ranchers. It couldn’t be easier….Google! That’s how I found my original rancher, as well as the butcher I use now. I found the eggs I buy at a local health food store — and because I buy so many, I Googled the farm name on the egg carton. Well, low and behold, he has an egg ranch about an hour from me, sells to the public, sells a box (15doz), unwashed I might add, which means they do NOT have to be refrigerated…and the price is super good. He also sells them washed for a teeny bit more. When people remark it’s expensive to eat a Carnivore diet — NOPE! It has been waaay cheaper than when I was eating Paleo with all the added veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, even protein shakes. And, I’ve cut out SO many supplements eating this way.

If coffee is your jam first thing in the morning….I’m not hating on coffee, but it’s not a good idea to put caffeine into the body first thing in the morning. Your adrenals really hate it. So, if you ARE a coffee drinker, get some protein in your belly….and hold off on the coffee for a couple hours. Lots of studies out there showing for some people, fast metabolizers, coffee is good for the brain!

What I prefer, and will have occasionally in the winter, is Dandy Blend. I already knew it was gluten-free, but I emailed the company to find out about oxalates — it barely has any. Sometimes I’ll have an herbal tea…and yes, I’ll add a little of my Really Raw Honey. I do not bash people for eating raw honey, or the darkest maple syrup (less processed), nor a piece of fruit. My gosh, some of these Carnivores are as bad as the vegans can be. Do what is right for YOU.

I’m always carrying around my water container, sometimes with electrolytes in it, sometimes with just a pinch of Redmond’s Real Salt. And, sometimes, if I feel an oxalate dumping coming on, I’ll add some lemon juice, as lemon helps dissolve oxalates. I’m always adjusting — listening to what my body is telling me.

Something I really enjoy on occasion is a chuck roast in the crockpot, adding as many marrow bones that will fit, for the added minerals. You can find out how I prepare it on my “Recipe” page.

I also make tallow and ghee. Super easy — and much cheaper than store bought. Again, pop over to my “Recipe” page. Hint: tallow is great to use on your face! Who knew?!? I am loooving it!

Since pork doesn’t agree with me, I keep some turkey bacon in the frig. But, if pork agrees with you, go for it. Since turkey bacon doesn’t have much fat, as typical pork bacon does, I fry it in tallow, and the turkey bacon soaks it up….makes it crispier! I’ve also been lucky enough to find my local butcher sells BEEF BACON. Yes, beef bacon is a thing — and it’s good. One day I may try Heritage/Berkshire Pork….pigs that live off the land, meaning pastured. Their meat is actually red. For those I’ve spoken to who’ve eaten Berkshire bacon, they’ll tell you it is WAY better than regular bacon. Maybe I would digest that better? Regular pork just seems to sit in my stomach, feeling like it’s not digesting properly. If I find Berkshire pork works for me, I will edit this page to let y’all know!

As the Carnivore way of eating grows, there are so many companies coming out with better animal products…….

If you google Carnivore Crisps, they have a whole selection of yummy crunchy Carnivore treats. I find them the most economical. There are also Carnivore bars, Carnivore protein shakes….and companies will continue popping up. With the Carnivore shakes, if you are dairy sensitive, some contain whey protein, but I have found one or two that do not. The “Equip” brand has some great Carnivore protein shakes, which I would use in a pinch, that do not have whey. A couple of their flavors use “coconut cream,” but the rest have really good, minimal, ingredients. I use their unflavored “only grass-fed beef protein” powder to make Carnivore waffles. I would only use protein shakes in a pinch, because they aren’t as great as people say they are. For one thing, your body starts the digestive process by CHEWING, not chugging down a shake. So, if you must use a protein shake, I’d suggest chewing each sip to start the digestion process.

I consider myself a “relaxed” Carnivore, because I might have a small portion of fruit that is in “season” — and I always choose low- to no-oxalate fruits. I don’t care what I find in the grocery stores. If it isn’t the season for it, I don’t eat it. I don’t really crave fruit in the winter, but I do like some fruit(s) in the summer, into fall. Some people, after being strict Carnivore for a year or two, find they can add some fruits back into their diet. They may find they feel better, or they may find they do not. Sometimes women find it helps them during the time of their cycle. Do not deprive yourself, if it’s that time of the month. Some eat a small piece of a good chocolate. There is nothing wrong with healthier kind of carbs, fruits, or even a piece of chocolate. Just remember, if a food has seeds….it’s a fruit. We have categorized some veggies wrongly, when they are, in fact, fruits….cucumber, squashes, bell peppers, avocado.

The Carnivore way of eating is a great detox diet. It heals the body. It resets the body. As you walk this journey, YOU have to listen to YOUR body and tweak it along the way. Some people may add a little fruit or honey. Others absolutely cannot do that, as it will trigger their sugar cravings. Even natural sweeteners, like Stevia, can trigger those cravings. I cannot stress enough, YOU have to find what is right for YOUR body. Eating Carnivore may just be a healing way of eating for you. Then, once healed, you can try adding some things back into your diet, as you listen to your body whether that food is a good idea, or bad idea.

Let’s talk about dairy….the problem child for many. If you are having trouble with inflammation, problems losing weight, it can be the dairy. Dairy can also cause congestion in the lungs. As I was approaching my 3-year eating Carniversary, having cut out dairy a couple months prior, I noticed my allergies completely disappeared! I also dropped the 8lbs I gained after eating goat cheese over the winter. But, I think completely eliminating dairy was also the reason I ended up with an oxalate dumping weekend, which is why I added some fermented kefir back in to help with the dumping — and that led me back into eating raw goat sharp cheese, which was delicious — until I noticed weight gain….again. It has really been a journey with dairy. If there is one thing you get from all of this — experiment on yourself. Things change as you heal.

If you are thinking “how boring to eat meat all the time” — there are TONS of YouTube channels who have all kinds of Carnivore recipes that you would never imagine possible. From Carnivore ice cream (no dairy), to Carnivore waffles…called “Chaffles,” to Carnivore breads, to Carnivore desserts. There is no reason to think this is a boring way to eat!

I believe people should be educated to understand why they choose to do something. An educated person is a more successful person.

The videos below will give you a real education how our food pyramid happened, along with how those few people have manipulated our whole food system. Once you watch some, or all, of these videos, then you are better prepared to decide if this way of eating might be right for you, or at least something you want to explore. And, as you watch, or listen to them, you may find other videos pop up that take you down this path even deeper.

Trust me, I’ve spent hours and hours and hours going down this rabbit hole. Once I became fascinated with it, once I started seeing and feeling results, I wanted to learn as much as I could.

The first thing I would suggest is to learn WHY we have ended up eating all these greens, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and grains. Trust me, it will leave you shaking your head. We have been manipulated for decades, starting with a very familiar name — Kelloggs.

Why the war on meat???https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0VwjsZJmYo&list=PLr1LydnmJrR-YDlgSQATa8JlUMSYO9kLq&index=3&t=909s

Brainwashed — The Mainstreaming of Nutritional Mythologyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbNDrcoRi8g&list=PLr1LydnmJrR-YDlgSQATa8JlUMSYO9kLq&index=40

Big Fat Nutrition Policy — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzQAHITIUhg&list=PLr1LydnmJrR-YDlgSQATa8JlUMSYO9kLq&index=3&t=701s

The next important step is to understand many plants, vegetables, and some fruits, many of the super foods, have defense mechanisms to survive called anti-nutrients. They can’t fight back like animals. Actually, their mechanism to survive is much more sinister. They attack AFTER you eat them. The worst of the plant anti-nutrients are known as “oxalates.” You may be thinking “kidney stones,” but oxalates cause much more than kidney stones. Listen to Sally Norton and Elliot Overton explain, two of the best educators, what oxalates are and what they can do to the body. Just a heads up, do NOT eliminate all oxalates from your diet. It’s best to go on a low-oxalate diet to give your body time to dump the stored oxalates slowly. Just a tip….lemon in your water helps dissolve oxalates. That is super important, especially when you think your body is dumping oxalates too fast.

The Hidden Dangers of Oxalateshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APlwdX3urgU&list=PLr1LydnmJrR-c7F-gkB-zDpqPo530TjRf&index=6&t=279s

The Great Oxalate Unveiling — This is a two-part interview on Dr. Shawn Baker’s channel with Sally Norton. Definitely worth the time to listen!

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_i4c1-X7Vg&list=PLr1LydnmJrR-c7F-gkB-zDpqPo530TjRf&index=2

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4Kv6DI5ckY&list=PLr1LydnmJrR-c7F-gkB-zDpqPo530TjRf&index=3

Ladies, this is a very good video you might want to watch. I know I had cystitis in my early 20’s. Who knew it was oxalates! But, this video is so much more, as it is chockfull of many health issues oxalates can cause — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9Ni2k5K8jw&list=PLr1LydnmJrR-c7F-gkB-zDpqPo530TjRf&index=38&t=2744s

For more information on oxalates, Sally Norton has a great website that contains most of her interviews, which I’ve linked below. Just click on the little square picture of her, which directs you to several of the interviews she has done. Honestly, she is a wealth of information, and you’ll learn something from every video. One of the best pieces of advice I can give you…..register on Sally’s site to take one of her classes on oxalates. She will send you a ton of information after the class to have at your fingertips. The $26 cost is crazy, because you’ll get a 2-hour class…and afterwards she’ll send you over 100 slides packed with information! Also, January ‘23, Sally finally published her long-awaited book, “Toxic Superfoods.” I cannot give enough accolades, as mine is highlighted, underlined, with tabs I’ve added for easy reference. It’s my oxalate bible!


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Beyond that, below I’ll link some other videos, some from doctors exploring how oxalates affect children’s brains, to testimonials of people who have been eating a Carnivore diet for many years, their stories, their results:

Kelly Hogan — she was my first introduction that Carnivore even existed. A fantastic story, she lost 130 pounds and cleared up LOTS of health issues. This is the link for her YouTube channel — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7U8Qv_0Lrk&list=PLr1LydnmJrR-YDlgSQATa8JlUMSYO9kLq&index=38&t=15s

Steak and Butter Gal — a beautiful Asian woman, full of energy and great ideas. This is an interview she did with Sally Norton, which was exceptionally good! — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxmReF1oJCU&t=6s

Mikhaila Peterson
— she has probably the craziest health story I’ve ever heard, and she’s here to tell it, because of the Carnivore way of eating. Her version of the Carnivore diet is called the “Lion Diet.” — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N39o_DI5laI&list=PLr1LydnmJrR-YDlgSQATa8JlUMSYO9kLq&index=27

Sarah Kleiner (Sarah Kleiner Wellness) recently interviewed a young woman with MS and BiPolar. There are so many people who have been prescribed drugs for depression…this is a fabulous ray of hope. — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-3V9yBAyBM

Amber O’Hearn and Dr. Paul Saladino — Amber is probably the person in the Carnivore world who has eaten this way the longest. She has a great story and is being interviewed by Dr. Saladino, who wrote “The Carnivore Code.” — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkfpcEqxlZ4&list=PLr1LydnmJrR-YDlgSQATa8JlUMSYO9kLq&index=27&t=109s

Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride interviewed by Primal Edge Health — This is especially good, as she gets into the brain, what they have found with children eating a vegetarian diet, what oxalates do to their brain, and autism in children. — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJZ7O7q83CY&list=PLr1LydnmJrR-YDlgSQATa8JlUMSYO9kLq&index=20&t=231s

Dr. Georgia Ede — WHO Says Meat Causes Cancer? — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDgzgDSInt0&list=PLr1LydnmJrR-YDlgSQATa8JlUMSYO9kLq&index=19&t=56s
Dr. Ede also just published her book, January 2024 — “Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind,” which you can find on Amazon or wherever you shop for your books.

Dr. Ken D. Berry, who eats Carnivore, and recently wrote “Lies My Doctor Told Me.” He has tons of great short videos on all sorts of health topics. Every Monday evening he and his wife, Neisha, a retired nurse who is Ketovore, do a Q&A on Youtube — https://www.youtube.com/c/KenDBerryMD/videos

This is Neisha’s channel, who eats a Ketovore diet — https://www.youtube.com/c/neishalovesit

Dr. Shawn Baker’s website, who is a Carnivore, in his 50’s and competes in strength competitions. His website is chock full of great information, especially awesome testimonials (hover on Resources, click on Success Stories). He also has Carnivore coaches you can hire for a very reasonable rate. Find one with a story similar to yours, hire them once or hire them more. Up to you! He recently wrote a newly published book “The Carnivore Diet.” — https://revero.com/

Dr. Baker was also instrumental in helping collect the surveys for the first Carnivore Study done by Vanderbilt University thru the Boston Children’s Hospital that was published November 2021 — https://academic.oup.com/cdn/article/5/12/nzab133/6415894

Kelly Hogan’s YouTube channel, My Zero Carb Life, has been up and running since the beginning of 2020 (she also has a Facebook group) — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaKl8Lth6h6GWreFyeO1keA/videos

And, if you are wondering if children can eat Carnivore — that’s a big fat YES! There are many Carnivores that have their children eating right along with them. Super good for their brains! This is Kelly Hogan and her three children. Since Kelly is a former teacher, she has some great tips as a teacher and a mom. I should also mention eating a Carnivore diet also helped Kelly get pregnant — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRTuLhcoJyI

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If any of this has peaked your interest, enough to want to try it…this is a really good video Kelly Hogan did with TONS of great ideas and suggestions. She covers ALL the bases! — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDZmRVpWTB0&t=1s

If you ever decide to try the “high-fat/moderate-protein” way of eating…..Kelly, along with Amber O’Hearn, do a beautiful job explaining why this might be a better option for some people. You will also find the link for Kelly’s coaching group — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye6hSm7-3BI

This is also a good video from Bella, Steak and Butter Gal for those just starting out, and she also has a coaching group you can join — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqVkaK0Fo1A&t=1s

Why should you supplement, if you are eating a healthy diet?

Personally, once I started eating Carnivore, it wasn’t long after I stopped taking any vitamin packs. None of the doctors I follow ever recommend taking vitamins. As long as you are eating beef, you would be shocked what beef supplies your body. Some people may eat liver occasionally, or take liver capsules, which I did, but it’s now being questioned if all the liver (think Vitamin A) is good to be taking every day….if at all. Some people seem to crave it, some people do not. Listen to your body!

The only thing I DO recommend is….minerals. I’ve been a mineral freak since I was 55yo….and I’m still, and always will be, a mineral freak. Minerals are the spark plugs of our bodies. Without minerals, humans, nor animals, would survive.

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.