“For the vast majority who need to take a stab at eating a diet of just meat; beginning with the 1-month challenge is a decent method to begin.” The Carnivore Code by Dr. Saladino

Suggestions for animal protein…

Beef, Pork, Chicken, Turkey, Lamb, Goat…and, of course, if you hunt, there are tons of options like Deer, Bison, Elk, Rabbit, Goose, Pheasant, Grouse, and all kinds of fish and shellfish (both fresh and salt water).

For the vast majority who need to take a stab at eating a diet of just meat; beginning with the 1-month challenge is a decent method to begin.
— The Carnivore Code by Dr. Saladino

I’ll be working on this page, as I have time — or when I find things I think might be helpful on your Carnivore journey.

I do want to be transparent. Some of these recipes I have made, some I have not. For those I have not, maybe one day I’ll get the urge to experiment!

You will find YouTube links for each of the recipes below, but please feel free to search YouTube on your own. All you have to do is search for Carnivore Recipes, and you will find TONS and TONS of them. The below recipes will, at least, get you started.

There are SO many people getting creative with Carnivore, you shouldn’t miss any of your favorite foods. If you love cooking and experimenting, you’ll never get bored eating this way.

I have created several Carnivore-related folders in YouTube to store interesting Carnivore recipes I’ve found. So, if you are looking for something you cannot find, please reach out!
Main Dishes
Breads, Muffins, Waffles
Fats & Skincare
Survival Food

I found two ways to make tallow. I’ve done both — and I can see a reason for both! Watch both of these videos, decide which you gravitate towards. I cannot say one turns out better than the other. Only if you decide to make tallow for the face, or soap, or candles, is the second one the preferred method.

I have used tallow on my face, usually only in the winter, but will never do that again, having found the Korean skincare I use. There is absolutely NO comparison, because the skincare has lava rich minerals. Tallow cannot compete with lava minerals and Tiger Grass for the complexion. You can find more information under the “K-Beauty” tab, along with my before/after pics.

This recipe one is from Strong.Sistas — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krZHSMh3sZg&list=PLr1LydnmJrR_t4AMq3-2rJQJj_Kjn-mep&index=20

This one is from Bumblebee Apothecary — Please note, I do NOT add the salt. I also always ask for kidney fat, which is the purest fat. My butcher does rough grind the kidney fat he sells, but sometimes it does have tiny bits of meat, which you will remove. BUT, putting all that salt in there, clings to the beef, not the fat. Some people like frying up those meaty bits — and I find the salt makes it inedible. I only use my tallow to cook with, so I’m not making facial tallow or soap.

This is SUPER easy! I mean, have you seen the price of ghee in the store?!?! I’ve used both salted and unsalted butter — and I really don’t taste the difference, but I do use tallow more to fry than ghee. Especially for eggs over easy, because I find using ghee, even in my seasoned small cast iron skillet, they seem to stick. Interestingly enough, they don’t stick when just using butter! Even using grass-fed butter, making ghee yourself is WAY less expensive.

Here are two recipes I found. The first is for Bacon Mayo from Neisha’s YT channel, Dr. Berry’s wife. They use bacon grease for the fat in their mayo. Make sure you skim thru the comments, as there are some great ideas, like adding an extra egg yolk if it doesn’t thicken — or use the whole egg, rather than just the yolks. A few suggested to add everything in at once, which looks like that works better if using a blender, like a Vitamix, or even using one of those big mixers, and some just used a hand mixer. Lots of great ideas.

This lady, Ketogenic Woman, makes a Butter Mayo. I was wondering if butter would work, because I don’t do pork. When I can find Beef Bacon — it’s delicious — I will save the fat in my frig. There are also a couple other recipes in this video — bacon in the oven — and Carnivore Pizza.

Regarding mayo — why would I use mayo? Well, I use it for egg salad, or tuna salad. Because I’m lazy (and honest), that is when I find a good ingredient avocado oil mayo. I am not using that much, as a jar lasts me forever. Again, I’m not that dogmatic about every tiny thing having to be Carnivore.

Yes, there is such a thing as Carnivore bread! Who knew! Maria Emmerich, who does have a channel on YouTube, under her name, started this whole Carnivore bread craze — and it has been a “craze” to find the best recipes that are as close as possible to “real” bread. I’ll list a few bread recipes I have found that might be worth trying, after skimming the comments to see what others think!

I love this lady’s channel — Ketogenic Woman. I love her personality, her quirkiness, she’s just a delight to watch. And, she’s lost over 145 pounds, reversing all kinds of health issues. Her earlier recipes are Keto, but around January 2022, her recipes have been mostly Carnivore, as she is honing in on her diet for better health and weight loss. This is her version of “BBBE Carnivore Protein Bread” — and it looks delicious! I always skim thru the comments under videos, and many said this tasted the most like “real” bread.

Chris Cooking Nashville is one to watch! I would highly recommend his channel — as he is very much a Carnivore chef, always experimenting to make both Keto and Carnivore recipes. His wife is Keto, he is Carnivore. They are both a delight to watch!
This is his most recent bread recipe — and it seems to be a BIG hit!


Yes! There is a guilt-free Carnivore Ice Cream. This just proves that you CAN eat healthier — and still enjoy those treats. I will share two below that I found the on Ketogenic Woman channel.

This one is dairy-free and uses raw eggs (I would suggest only using pasture-raised)…..
Keto Egg Fast Ice Cream Experiments! Butter Vanilla, Dairy Free, and Frozen Butter Coffee!

one uses hard-boiled eggs!
Keto Butter Coffee Ice Cream | Boiled Egg Home Made Ice Cream | Ninja Ice Cream Maker

Bella from Steak and Butter Gal made this ice cream with only TWO ingredients!

I know this might not sound appetizing, but listen to what Maria says to do — put it in the frig overnight. That allows the sulfur to dissipate. Amazing! And she also has info about her new eBook, plus she has quite a few Carnivore recipe books!

This is my creation, as I took a recipe and tweaked it to work for me. These would be hard for anyone to believe they aren’t the “real” thing! The Duck Fat Cooking Oil Spray I found, by Cornhusker Kitchen, made them even more crispy — and it can be used for many foods to make them crispier. Here is the link for their website, but you can find it in other places, sometimes cheaper, like athletic/camping stores — https://duckfatspray.com/. There are all kinds of uses for it, and they have videos on their website!

1 scoop Equip Unflavored Grass-Fed Beef Isolate Powder
1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
Pinch of Vanilla Powder (or you could use liquid vanilla)
1 Tbsp. Beef Gelatin
Pinch of Salt
1 Whole Egg
2 Egg Yolks
2 Tbsp. COLD water

Beat the egg and egg yolks. Add the baking powder, vanilla, salt — beat until smooth. Then add the beef powder. If you beat by hand, it can take a few minutes. Just keep beating with your fork or spoon. Then put the 2Tbsps of COLD water into a small custard dish, add the beef gelatin….and quickly start mixing. Do this quickly and it will mix perfectly, sort of look like applesauce. Then quickly add the beef gelatin to your egg mixture and stir. If you do this quickly, it will blend right in — will not thicken like jello, nor get clumpy. If you have a little hand frother, that might be easier to blend. The beef gelatin helps to make the waffles crispier. If you wait too long, and the gelatin gets clumpy, just keep mixing it in, squashing the lumps into the batter. Even if you have a few little lumps, it will turn out fine. I use my little DASH waffle maker, which you can find on Amazon, if you don’t have one! Spray with the Duck Fat Spray — and I can get 4 nice waffles. I set my timer on 4-5 minutes. If the waffle sticks, it easily removes with a little help from your fork or knife. Add toppings of your choice — enjoy!

I have a 6qt crockpot. Typically a 3-pound rump roast fits perfectly. Then I add as many marrow bones as will fit, add water to cover it all, cook on low for 10 hours. Remove the meat, then cook the marrow bones for another 10 hours on low. Once they are done, I push out all the marrow into the liquid. Then pour through a metal screen strainer, pushing the marrow through the strainer to break it up. Then I’ll take this liquid, sit the bowl in the frig, usually overnight, or first thing in the morning. Once the fat hardens on the top, I’ll score the fat, making square pieces that I can gently lift off the gelled liquid below, and place into an open container to keep in the frig. Those pieces of beef fat can be used for all, and any, cooking/frying. They will last forever in the your frig!

You can cut up the meat, or shred it, do whatever you like. I typically add some in a small pot, add some of the gelled broth, and heat until ready. It’s a super yummy meat soup, so very rich in minerals from the marrow bones. Pair it with the Carnivore bread/muffins or whatever other Carnivore recipes you might find.

More to come . . . . .