What is Gluten?

Gluten — I remember 20yrs ago asking, “What in the world is gluten?” Although many people know about it now, I am always surprised how many people still do not understand how detrimental it is for their health.

You might be asking — how in the world can bread, the staple of our meals, be so bad for us? Well, there are lots of theories, studies, and opinions.

Some think it's the hybridization of the wheat itself. Wheat is not genetically modified (GMO), but has been hybridized to increase the gluten (protein). It's believed, because of this, that the gluten is too much for our digestive tract. However, the bakers love it!

Others believe it is because many of the grain farmers actually spray their fields with glyphosate to speed the drying process.

Whatever the reason, it is affecting many of us.

So, what is gluten? Gluten is the protein in wheat (all varieties of wheat), rye and barley. It’s what makes our breads light and fluffy. It makes our pizza dough stretchy, which allows the pizza guys to throw it up in the air without it falling apart. Trust me, you don't want to throw a gluten-free pizza crust up in the air! As much as I used to love to bake, it does create some havoc in the baking process when you use gluten-free flour. It's almost like a chemistry experiment!

How does it affect people? Some have Celiac disease, which is what my middle son has. It destroys the villi in the small intestinal tract, which stops the absorption of nutrients into the body.

Some have an allergy. Some have a gluten sensitivity. Some are only mildly affected, while others can't even breathe the air that is contaminated with gluten flour, or have their food touch a gluten product.

It can be found in all kinds of foods (some you wouldn't even think about), and even in medications.

Trust me, we learned everything the hard way with my whole family.

We even connected it to my daughter's urinary infections.

My oldest son went back to eating it on and off again for 10 years, until he ended up almost living in the bathroom before he finally gave it up.  At that point, he needed to add some supplements to help his body heal.

Some people are fine just eliminating gluten, but many need extra help repairing the damage done to their bodies.

Your best bet, if you think you are affected, read all labels! It can be hidden under all kinds of names.

Is gluten addictive? You bet it is! That's the hard part. That's the reason so many people have such a hard time giving it up. It's very addicting to the brain.

It's a comfort food, as all grains turn into sugar -- and we all know how addictive sugar is!  I don't know about you, but how many can stop at just one piece of warm crusty bread, one piece of pizza, or one piece of cake -- I could go on and on. I've been there, done that.

And, food companies very much know this. That is one of the reasons it is added to so many products, like rice mixes and soups. Why in the world would you put wheat protein in a rice mix or soup?

To add to the problem, it can be very hard to diagnose, because it affects people in so many ways.

It has been connected to at least 300 autoimmune diseases, yet some people have no symptoms at all — until later in life.

Here are just some of the health issues it has been connected to:

Weight Gain and Weight Loss

Short Stature or Failure to Thrive

Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue




Heart Disease


Thyroid Disease

Hormone Imbalances such as PMS, PCOS

Mood Issues such as depression, anxiety, mood swings

Neurological conditions such as dizziness, feeling off balance

Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea

IBS, Crohn's Disease, and Leaky Gut

Skin conditions like eczema, acne, rashes

Migraine Headaches or Seizures

Dental Enamel Defects

Hopefully, now you understand why it's such a hot topic, along with why there is now so much information out there about it.

If you have health issues, like the above, maybe it's time to look at the possibility of eliminating gluten. Just try to make sure you have a doctor who will listen to you and does understand the whole gluten topic.

If nothing else, I always suggest taking gluten out of the diet for 30 days and see how you feel. See if any of your ailments either disappear, or at least somewhat subside.

I'm so passionate about educating people about gluten! If you need help, let me know.

The good news, there are lots of options out there now. Trust me, years ago it was not fun!

Just be careful with the gluten-free options. Most really aren't any healthier, other than being void of gluten. But, they are great to help break the "addiction." This is what we did in our family. Then we started weaning ourselves off of those gluten-free grains, also.

Do I bake for the holidays, special occasions and birthdays? I did when the children were home. Back then I found recipes that contained no grains.

Now, eating a Carnivore diet, there are ALL kinds of recipes out there for ways to make “mock” breads, and just about every kind of dessert you can imagine.

I do what I preach -- eat good 90% of the time, snitch the other 10% -- or life just isn't fun!

With all of the Carnivore recipes out there now, there is no need to feel guilty!

If you would like to learn more, below are some great videos to help you make an educated decision, if you decide to eliminate gluten, or grains, from your food choices.

Dr. Tom O'Bryan hosted The Gluten Summit in November of 2013. He has been researching gluten sensitivities for over 30 years.

What is Gluten — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tmWlzgCmEY

How Some Immune Systems React to Gluten — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z937yRGPf5M&spfreload=5

Top 5 Things You Didn't Know About Gluten — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xloudUAXwRE

This Is Your Brain On Gluten — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy7114T0oMQ

The Gluten-Thyroid Connection — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbfYcYMIDdQ

What You Need to Know About Gluten and Infertilityhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdEzks8U4Z0